Kapre. Hairy giants from the Muse archipelago. They guard the crowns of ancient trees, smoke mysterious herbs, shine in the darkness with their eyes and when they meet good people, they jump off the branches and accompany them to the horizon with their music.
Kapre. Brave soundsmiths, combining the tones of all continents into an explosive mixture that makes hips, water and rocks move. By bridging exotic sounds of Indian sitar, Turkish mandolins, Carpathian violins and medieval flutes with sparkling guitar’s energy and striking rhythms, they want to prove that music and dance are shared by people of all skin colors and faiths.
Kapre. Milko, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, wandering bard and chief of rainbow warriors. Mani, drummer and rhythmic heart of the band that has been beating for alternative culture for three decades. Singo, skilled freedom fighter who ploughed with his bass guitar through the Canary beaches and even the Slovak Superstar. Melfi, a radiant fire that vibrates soul and space-time with the energy of his electric guitar.
Kapre. They’ve made legs of the visitors of the festivals Drienok, Atmosféra, Východná, Slovenské Alternative Leto, Sekierske Lúky, Colors of Ostrava moved … And now yours are about to move too!
Miloslav Kollár: sitar, saz, violin, mandolin, flute, oud, buzouki
Marcel Kollár: drums, percussions
Marek Rebro: guitar
Singo Singhofer: bass
Ethno Fusion (2013, self-released)
Siréna (2019, self-release, sólový album Miloslava Kollára)